Took this pink cab from Bangkok to Pattaya...
Yay... Beach & Tiffany's Show, I am coming... =)
This is the model of the hotel
Actual view in front of the hotel
Here are some of the toiletries from the hotel. I like those bottles... Nice hor? =)
Balcony of the hotel room
Mango with Sticky Rice.
Yummy, Yummy... =)
Tiffany's Show@Pattaya
The first ever truly transvestite cabaret show in South East Asia

Picture of the building from outside
Another pic.
Tadda... Here are some of the pictures of the Tiffany's performers. Aren't they sexy, gorgeous, beautiful & talented?


Go for Aromatherapy Massage at Health Land.
Nice view outside of the building
Very nice & beautiful fountain in-front of the Spa & Massage centre.
Beach, Beach, Beach... Yay... I like beach... =D
Posing at the beach...
Don't know what to do at the beach beside swimming, sun tan, play water & play sand. So mai pose lor... shiok sendiri mar...haha...
Beside posing, still posing ler... but at least not at the sea lor... This is infront of the hotel mah...hehe... =p so vain hor... sigh...
Huh? Don't you think there is something wrong with this pic.
A "Dog" is bringing another Dog for a walk...?? Wt... Swwtt... =.="